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Monday, February 9, 2009

New stock picks

I decided to go ahead and run these medium term trades with a previous plan that I used before. The primary consideration was to keep the time spent studying, researching and charting to an absolute minimum. I would like it to be reasonably simple to be able to check up on and make trades in the various stocks.

So in keeping with this idea I am going to cut this right down to the bare minimum.

This afternoon I spent about 40 minutes running a scan and paring the charts then plotting various lines to help visualize the trades. I will run pivot points on these as well but for the time being I am just going with some trend lines and a handful of moving averages...oh, and the mean over some time frames that looked to be the current trend.

Stocks to pick from were:

-between $10 and $30
-greater than 500,000 shares traded per day on average
-TSX listed

This gave me 39 to start. I dropped everything over $25, ETFs, trusts and the like which left me with 16. Rather than getting complicated I just picked 5 out of the bunch without regard to anything in particular, they could have been random. If nothing else this keeps these from being some sort of stock advisories as they have no intrinsic value to me. Ideally I would like between 20 and 30 to choose from but in the interest of keeping this manageable I will stick tot he five.

I have traded BVF a few times in the past though, even made a few dollars on it as well, but that had no bearing here or I would have picked other stocks that have performed in the past.

Final list:

Biovail (BVF)
TransAlta (TA)
Kincross Gold (K)
Manulife Financial (MFC)
Nexen (NXY)

I will post some charts for these later as well.



onarock said...

looking forward to this.......but remember to divide your time between all of your projects/hobbies, home life, and work......i forget the word i am looking for......anyway...can't wait


JDMoodie said...

Yes, I need to work on my time allocation among my various endeavours....I think that is what you were getting at?

Thanks for the reminder.

The startup takes the longest on this type of project as I am doing some backtesting first to prove the efficacy of the idea.
